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Rootstown, OH Therapy Accepting CareOregon Insurance
Top Match
Rebecca Abaa is a Board-Certified Nurse Practitioner who is qualified to practice in psychiatry; diagnose, treat, and prescribe medication for adult p... MORE
Rebecca Abaa is a Board-Certified Nurse Practitioner who is qualified to practice in psychiatry; diagnose, treat, and prescribe medication for adult psychiatric care. Some of her practice specialties ... MORE
Top Match
I ask alot of questions.
Your wellbeing will be attended to through shared decision making that includes your creativity, knowledge, and perspectiv... MORE
Treatment Approach
Ambetter, Anthem, Blue Cross Blue Shield
+7 More
I ask alot of questions.
Your wellbeing will be attended to through shared decision making that includes your creativity, knowledge, and perspective. It is the necessity of this dialogue that enga... MORE
Top Match
Janel Sabori-Wood is a LCSW who has been providing services to adult patients with depression and anxiety for 6 years. She enjoys seeing those that sh... MORE
Janel Sabori-Wood is a LCSW who has been providing services to adult patients with depression and anxiety for 6 years. She enjoys seeing those that she has helped progress and live a happier and fulfi... MORE
Ms. Orienta Eison, founder of Emerging Spirit Counseling Services is dually licensed in OH and KY as a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor. Ms. E... MORE
ADHD, Anger Management, Anxiety, Bipolar
+13 More
Treatment Approach
Behavioral modification, Cognitive Behav
+8 More
OccuNet, United Health Care, Cigna, Self
+13 More
Ms. Orienta Eison, founder of Emerging Spirit Counseling Services is dually licensed in OH and KY as a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor. Ms. Eison has helped clients heal, change and grow for ... MORE
I have been in practice for 25 years as a professional counselor and I am still learning new skills and techniques on how to best serve my clients. Yo... MORE
Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, F
+9 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Huma
+8 More
Aetna, Anthem, Cigna, Medical Mutual of
+4 More
I have been in practice for 25 years as a professional counselor and I am still learning new skills and techniques on how to best serve my clients. You are the reason why I continue in the work of a t... MORE
What would a path of tranquility look like for you? This path is guided through a person centered, trauma informed cognitive behavioral therapy (... MORE
Anxiety, Child or Adolescent Mental Heal
+8 More
Treatment Approach
Art Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therap
+6 More
Cigna, Self Pay, OccuNet, CareSource, De
+14 More
What would a path of tranquility look like for you? This path is guided through a person centered, trauma informed cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and solution-based focused approach. This is... MORE
Dr. Sarah Barwick offers therapeutic services and psychological testing/diagnosis. Assessment and diagnostic services include ADHD, Personality Disor... MORE
ADHD, Addiction, Anxiety, Autism, Bipola
+24 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Ecle
+5 More
Centivo, Unity Preferred Network, Decent
+11 More
Dr. Sarah Barwick offers therapeutic services and psychological testing/diagnosis. Assessment and diagnostic services include ADHD, Personality Disorders, major mood disturbances, and intellegnce/lea... MORE
Thankfully, I consider myself blessed to have never “worked” a day in my life. I started over 25 years ago providing clinical social work to abuse... MORE
Anxiety, Child or Adolescent Mental Heal
+13 More
Treatment Approach
Behavioral modification, Coaching, Cogni
+11 More
Home State Health, Self Pay, OccuNet, Ca
+16 More
Thankfully, I consider myself blessed to have never “worked” a day in my life. I started over 25 years ago providing clinical social work to abused and neglected children and adolescents. Over the... MORE
I am Dr. Gail Campbell, a Professional Clinical Counselor, with 28 years of experience in assisting individuals, marriages and families through life s... MORE
Anger Management, Family Conflict, Sonde
+2 More
Treatment Approach
Art Therapy, Christian Counseling, Cogni
+8 More
Prime Health, Anthem, Medical Mutual of
+13 More
I am Dr. Gail Campbell, a Professional Clinical Counselor, with 28 years of experience in assisting individuals, marriages and families through life situations and transitions. I am a graduate of Ashl... MORE
My name is Eric. I've been in the field of Social Work for 6 years. In that time, I have worked with adults who struggle with various addiction and me... MORE
Addiction, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, De
+6 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+6 More
OccuNet, Medical Mutual of Ohio, CareSou
+13 More
My name is Eric. I've been in the field of Social Work for 6 years. In that time, I have worked with adults who struggle with various addiction and mental health concerns. I have provided support for ... MORE