Understanding And Overcoming Bias For Educators


Introductory | Mental Health Literacy

| 57 Minutes

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About the Course


We all have biases whether we are aware of them or not. While these biases may seem innocent, they can cause problems to arise. In this course, titled Understanding and Overcoming Bias for Educators, you will learn how bias impacts people’s interactions with each other in the educators’ community.

The course begins with a discussion on what bias is, how it manifests, and its different types. The course then moves into relevant discussions on the intersection between bias and mental health in the educators’ space. You will learn practical tips for overcoming bias and taking action in your workplace.

The Understanding and Overcoming Bias for Educators course will take approximately 60-80 minutes of continuous learning time. The course provides engaging learning based on current research and relevant articles while utilizing the most recent techniques in online learning. We hope that the information in this course will cause a ripple effect in not only your life but in the lives of those at your school.

NOTE: We recommend completing Mental Health Competency 1 for Educators before taking any other Mental Health Ally for Educators Series courses.

Estimated Course Length: 57 Mins.

Course Includes: 11 sections with components in each section (components consist of a mixed media approach with lived experience testimonials, animation explainer videos, and a knowledge game)

Companion Videos: 7 companion videos created for enhanced learning on key course topics in Understanding and Overcoming Bias for Educators; over 120 mental health literacy videos on a host of mental health topics

Downloadable PDFs: 6 downloadable PDFs expanding on relevant course topics

Target Audience: Educators

Level of Instruction: Introductory

Prerequisite: None

Instructional Method: Self-paced, interactive, hybrid of audio, text, video, and learning checks

Accessibility Accommodations: Color contrast; transcripts of video components; closed captioning of audio and video components.

After completing this course, you will be able to describe and employ the following:

  1. Define and provide examples of bias including implicit, explicit, cultural, positive, internalized, and institutional.

  2. Discuss ways in which bias impacts the mental health of educators who experience it.

  3. Give examples of how implicit bias and its outcomes can be mitigated within educators and school systems.

  • Course Overview & Introduction (4+ minutes)

  • What is Bias? (1+ minute)

  • The Formulation of Bias (2+ minutes)

  • Bias and Discrimination (15+ minutes)

  • How Bias Manifests (7+ minutes)

  • The Impact of Discrimination and Bias on Mental Health (8+ minutes)

  • Overcoming Bias (1+ minute)

  • Take Action (5+ minutes)

  • Workplace Strategies (3+ minutes)

  • Knowledge Check (2+ minutes)

  • Discussion Summary & Course Outro (2+ minutes)

  • References

  • Post-Course Assessment (12+ minutes)

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