Susan Shipley
Dr. Susan Shipley practices clinical psychology and works with clients, both adults and children. You have found a safe space to heal and grow. In our sessions together, I'll meet you with compassion and evidence-based techniques and tools that will help you meet your goals and overcome those things holding you back. Let's work together! My clients often have challenges such as anxiety, depression, and grief. I've had experiences working with young adults with anorexia, and people with phobias, panic attacks, obsessive compulsive thoughts and other intrusive thoughts, and folks who may have an over dependence on another person, place or thing. Addiction and recovery are areas of my expertise. I'm a school psychologist familiar with children with learning disabilities, ADHD, autism, developmental delays, and parents. Occasionally life challenges meet us at a particularly vulnerable time, and I work with people who have adjustment to such life changes, people who find they are severely co-dependent on others with addiction dependency, the alcoholic and drug dependent person. In addition, I've assisted those experiencing grief, including job loss. I'm an artist myself and a trained art therapist. I found, art making often speaks with more feeling and force than words alone. We will incorporate art if you choose. CBT works in a collaborative manner between the therapist and the client. Together, we can identify what's not working and get you back to balance. We'll use a whole self-approach, addressing your needs. I also integrate mindfulness, yoga, and art to help you develop a stronger relationship with others and most importantly yourself. You have found a safe space to heal and grow. In our sessions together, I'll meet you with compassion and evidence-based techniques so you can overcome the hangups and habits holding you back. Let's work together!
About Susan Shipley
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