Dana Cherry
Hi there! I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) practicing in the field for past 21 years. I believe in providing care with respect, compassion, sensitivity and in a non judgmental way. Life is full of challenges however, in my experience I have realized that most of my clients are equally resourceful. Time and time again I have observed that my clients often resolve their issues with guidance and support. Many of my clients have said that they feel heard and not judged for the decisions they make day in and day out, I believe this is my strength. I meet my clients where they are at and try to understand what they are dealing with. I take the time to understand your struggles and craft a treatment plan based on your abilities and strengths. If you are ready to usher in the change in your life, I am here to help. You can schedule directly with me at 1 (786)755-1863 or reception+Dana13806@growtherapy.com
About Dana Cherry
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