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Windsor, OH Therapy for Psychosis / Schizophrenia
Conditions involving psychosis or schizophrenia can profoundly affect perception, thought patterns, and relationships. Psych Hub guides you to professionals skilled in evidence-based treatments and supportive therapies, helping clients manage symptoms and improve quality of life. Break the isolation—discover compassionate, expert care in our extensive network.
Top Match
Congratulations on taking the steps to begin your journey to improved mental health!
I am a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor with a Supervisi... MORE
Antisocial Behavior, Anxiety, Bipolar Di
+12 More
Treatment Approach
Behavioral Activation Therapy, Behaviora
+4 More
Devoted, United Health Care, OccuNet, Ci
+17 More
Congratulations on taking the steps to begin your journey to improved mental health!
I am a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor with a Supervision designation (LPCC-S) in the State of Ohio and h... MORE
Top Match
Kimberly is driven by a desire to come alongside those who are struggling with their mental health, as well as the families who love them.
Kimberly ha... MORE
ADHD, Addiction, Anxiety, Child or Adole
+14 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+8 More
CareSource, ClaimDOC, Centivo, VNPN, Occ
+13 More
Kimberly is driven by a desire to come alongside those who are struggling with their mental health, as well as the families who love them.
Kimberly has worked with people ages 4-84 with substance use ... MORE
Top Match
Everyone could use someone in their life that listens objectively and actually hears what you are saying. I think all of us deserve that person.
I h... MORE
ADHD, Anger Management, Antisocial Behav
+25 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+27 More
Aetna, Medical Mutual of Ohio, Medicare,
+15 More
Everyone could use someone in their life that listens objectively and actually hears what you are saying. I think all of us deserve that person.
I have a more direct approach in counseling, paired w... MORE
I approach my clients with unconditional positive regard, that translates for me as seeing the utmost value in every single one of my clients. I am h... MORE
ADHD, Addiction, Anger Management, Anxie
+23 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+12 More
Anthem, Decent, OccuNet, ClaimDOC, Aetna
+13 More
I approach my clients with unconditional positive regard, that translates for me as seeing the utmost value in every single one of my clients. I am honored to be a part of your healing journey. I am ... MORE
I'm an Independently Licensed Social Worker with 7 years of licensed experience and have spent 17 years overall working in the mental health field. ... MORE
Anger Management, Anxiety, Bipolar Disor
+12 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+10 More
Self Pay, Decent, Prime Health, Medical
+13 More
I'm an Independently Licensed Social Worker with 7 years of licensed experience and have spent 17 years overall working in the mental health field.
I have spent the last 15 years working with ado... MORE
I am an independently licensed clinician with 20 years of experience in the field. I have experience diagnosing and treating mental health and substan... MORE
Addiction, Antisocial Behavior, Child or
+14 More
Treatment Approach
Behavioral modification, Biofeedback, Co
+10 More
Prime Health, VNPN, Unity Preferred Netw
+13 More
I am an independently licensed clinician with 20 years of experience in the field. I have experience diagnosing and treating mental health and substance use disorders. My experience includes working ... MORE
Mental health is an important part of holistic wellbeing and I work together to develop an appropriate treatment plan for each person on an individual... MORE
Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, M
+6 More
Treatment Approach
Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT), Mindf
+1 More
CareSource, Centivo, Aetna, Anthem, Unit
+11 More
Mental health is an important part of holistic wellbeing and I work together to develop an appropriate treatment plan for each person on an individualized basis. I will provide an inviting environment... MORE
As an experienced Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor and Certified Wellness Counselor, I truly believe that people possess the intrinsic charact... MORE
Addiction, Anger Management, Antisocial
+19 More
Treatment Approach
Attachment-based, Cognitive Behavioral T
+10 More
Cigna, Centivo, OccuNet, VNPN, Anthem, M
+14 More
As an experienced Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor and Certified Wellness Counselor, I truly believe that people possess the intrinsic characteristics needed to create their own picture of wha... MORE
Hello, my name is Lori Storer. I grew up in St. Marys Ohio. ` I have worked in the mental health field for over 25 years. I studied for my bachelors ... MORE
ADHD, Anger Management, Antisocial Behav
+24 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+17 More
Bright Health Plan, Decent, Cigna, VNPN,
+14 More
Hello, my name is Lori Storer. I grew up in St. Marys Ohio. ` I have worked in the mental health field for over 25 years. I studied for my bachelors degree at Writer State University. I received my... MORE
Hi there, William Silverstone here. I have always enjoyed relating to people. I like helping people get in touch with their innermost desires and drea... MORE
Anger Management, Anxiety, Dementia / Ne
+14 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Huma
+3 More
Medical Mutual of Ohio, Centivo, CareSou
+13 More
Hi there, William Silverstone here. I have always enjoyed relating to people. I like helping people get in touch with their innermost desires and dreams. We’ll identify any barriers you may be encou... MORE