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Last updated 03/14/24

Psych Hub Launches New Course Series to Help Mental Health and Healthcare Providers Address Burnout

Nashville, TN – May 15, 2024 – PR Newswire  As the nation’s mental health challenges continue to grow, our healthcare workforce is struggling to keep pace — and struggling with their own mental well-being. In the wake of COVID, feelings of exhaustion, burnout, and empathy fatigue are now even more commonplace in the healthcare community, with more than half of mental health professionals reporting moderate or high burnout and more than three-quarters of health workers reporting both exhaustion and burnout. How are we caring for the mental health of these professionals who are caring for the health of others? To support providers as they navigate heavy workloads and the challenges of healthcare workplace culture, Psych Hub announces the launch of a curated eight-course Clinician Well-Being series, available through the Psych Hub online learning platform.

The term “burnout” has long been associated with the concept of moral distress in healthcare, which has been on the rise even more dramatically since the height of the pandemic. As many healthcare organizations struggle with workforce shortages and high turnover rates, healthcare employee well-being is in the spotlight. Psych Hub’s new Clinician Well-Being learning experience is designed to support providers most at risk of experiencing feelings of burnout and moral distress including: social workers, counselors, marriage and family therapists, psychologists, mental healthcare students, case managers, coaches, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and pharmacy technicians. Psych Hub collaborated with well-known subject matter experts to develop course content to support this broad range of care provider roles. Thekla Brumder Ross, PsyD, is a clinical psychologist, a national leader in addiction medicine, a workforce well-being consultant, and a strategic advisor to the National Institute of Health.  Thekla advises numerous behavioral health tech companies in product development, guides health systems in implementing evidence-based practices and teaches self-compassion to medical students. Pari Shah Thibodeau, PhD, LCSW, is an integrated healthcare scholar and licensed clinical social worker who studies the well-being of the healthcare workforce, specifically focusing on the experiences of moral injury and mental health through a systems lens. Jeffrey Ring, PhD, is a health psychologist, leadership coach, educator, advocate for health justice and equity, and the first author of the book Curriculum for Culturally Responsive Healthcare: The Step-by-Step Guide for Cultural Competency Training.

Left unchecked, burnout can negatively impact not only a clinician’s well-being and interpersonal relationships, but also compromise patient care, a topic Psych Hub began exploring with the recent podcast “The Burnout Antidote”, which highlights conversations with healthcare providers sharing their stories and offers a set of tools to foster well-being. The Clinician Well-Being CE- and CME-eligible coursework and supporting resources continue the conversation with learning paths for mental health practitioners and healthcare clinicians to explore the concepts of burnout, moral distress, and well-being from multiple perspectives, with course topics including:

  • Moral Distress and Well-Being
  • Overcoming Workplace Challenges
  • Leadership Strategies Amidst Moral Distress
  • Building Supportive Systems
  • Creating Psychologically Safe Workplaces
  • Navigating Primary and Secondary Traumatic Stress
  • Self-Compassion

“We need to reframe the idea of burnout in healthcare and how we think about it, talk about it, and solve for it,” said Marjorie Morrison, LMFT, LPCC, co-founder of Psych Hub. “While the stigma around mental health in general is decreasing, it’s important to remember that all individuals, including clinicians and care providers, are facing their own struggles. These new courses from Psych Hub aim to move the healthcare workplace burnout conversation past the idea of personal resilience and the focus on the individual as the sole source of the solution by instead exploring how the broader system can support the clinician. We aim to empower providers to understand what can help them nurture self-compassion and sustain well-being without adding more items to their to-do list.”

These new CE- and CME-eligible courses on Clinician Well-Being are now available through Psych Hub. Visit psychhub.com for more information.