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Education Fosters
Evidence-Based Practice


Professional training for mental health practitioners 


Resources to Help Practitioners Learn and Connect


Most mental health practitioners have limited training in evidence-based interventions or specialty care delivery. Others, like nurses and prescribers, need current, clinically sound mental health education to help them better serve their patients. Psych Hub fills those gaps by providing courses and learning resources that educate practitioners in treatment approaches proven to reduce symptoms effectively and in fewer sessions. 

75 Precent

75% of licensed mental health practitioners have masters level education, trained as generalists.

Less then 40 Percent

Fewer than 40% of RNs believe they have the behavioral health skills required to be successful as a nurse in the future.

Two women having a discussion.

Professional Training for Mental Health Practitioners

Psych Hub gives practitioners a designated place to find clinically sound mental health education and resources. Members receive:

A robust library of evidence-based courses and content covering the most topical mental health subjects

Continuing education credits for all practitioners in the mental health ecosystem

Training paths to help build competency and in high-demand areas of need

Companion resources to reinforce learning retention and support the inclusion of evidence-based learning into clinical practice

Promote Specialized Training Through Psych Hub Verification


Practitioners can earn verifications in a number of specialties by completing courses and/or taking a test to demonstrate competency. 

PH Verified Badge

Certification Course Competency Areas


Our specialty courses fall into four competency areas designed to align practitioner training with the types of specialized care consumers are seeking. Practitioners can get verified in one or many competencies to gain skills and understanding that will help them serve clients by delivering specialized, evidence-based interventions.


  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Insomnia

  • Suicide Prevention

  • Trauma


  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

  • Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT)

  • Trauma-Informed Care (TIC)

  • Motivational Interviewing Strategies (MI)



  • LGBTQ+

  • Veterans

  • Latinx

  • Caregivers


  • Early Childhood

  • School-Aged

  • Adolescent

  • Young Adult

  • Older Adult


Practitioner Courses



Counseling on Access to Lethal Means

This course teaches mental health professionals about lethal means counseling, which helps ensure individuals can make it through suicidal crises alive and access the support they need.
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Learn the tools commonly used for risk screening, assessment, and stratification and effectively create personalized safety plans with clients.
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Collaborative Care model

Learn the key concepts and practices of the collaborative care model, effective administration and clinical planning strategies to implement the model, and how to analyze the required components of incorporating the collaborative care model interventions into a primary or specialist care setting.
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Trauma-Informed Care: Foundations (Part 1)

This course provides a foundation before learning about the principles and practice of trauma-informed care. The intended audience for this course includes the healthcare team and behavioral healthcare providers.
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Trauma-Informed Care: Foundations (Part 2)

This course continues the learning of trauma-informed care understanding and application that began in Trauma-Informed Care: Foundations (Part 1).
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Telemental Health: The Basics

Specifically for clinicians who are looking to provide long-distance mental health care through the use of technology.
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Supporting Provider Well-Being

Gain valuable insights on resilience in workplace settings, including navigating challenging interpersonal conflicts, managing high-stress environments, and preventing occupational burnout.
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Behavior Management Training (Children 2-12)

Learn how to train caregivers in the application of behavioral principles to guide a person — in this case, children ages 2-12 — from problematic to prosocial behaviors that will support healthy development.
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Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality

Provides information on a therapeutic framework that will help you to identify and treat suicidal risk with a client who is suicidal.
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Culturally responsive Behavioral Healthcare: Foundations

This course is designed to teach the contextual concepts of culture, diversity, marginalization, and intersectionality, and how those play a role in the behavioral health treatment field.
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ACT Foundations

ACT is an engaging, evidence-based therapy modality. The ACT Foundations course features expert discussion and engaging role plays to educate and empower mental health practitioners.
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CBT Foundations: A Skills-Based Approach

Learn about the therapeutic model that CBT is based on and effective strategies you can use to bolster your practice.
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CBT for Anxiety

Learn how to treat the cognitive, emotive, and behavioral aspects of anxiety using effective strategies such as relaxation training, breathing training, and the tense-relax method.
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CBT for Depression

Learn how understanding CBT's mind-body connection can prepare you to teach your clients techniques like behavioral activation and the ABCDE method.
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CBT for Insomnia

Learn how to modify the cognitive, behavioral, and emotive symptoms of sleep disorders using techniques like sleep restriction, stimulus control, and psychoeducation on sleep hygiene.
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CBT Adaptations for Adolescents

Learn how to develop a rapport with younger clients, appropriately include their parents or guardians in the treatment process, navigate issues of confidentiality, and analyze the developmental factors that affect them.
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CBT for reducing suicide risk

Learn how to equip yourself as a clinician to not only bring up the topic of suicide with your clients but to also help them prepare for and manage suicidal crises through the use of cognitive behavioral therapy.
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DBT-informed therapy: foundations

Learn the key concepts and skills of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) informed care and how mental health practitioners can incorporate them into treatment, including pre-treatment (client assessment and orientation) and individual client sessions.
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DBT-informed therapy: adolescents

Learn how to apply key concepts and skills of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) informed care when working with adolescents, specifically in the areas of pre-treatment (client assessment and orientation) and individual client sessions.
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Motivational Interviewing Strategies: Foundations

Motivational Interviewing is an engaging, evidence-based therapy modality. The Motivational Interviewing Strategies: Foundations course features expert discussion and role plays to educate and empower mental health practitioners.
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Motivational Interviewing Strategies: Adolescents

Motivational Interviewing is an engaging, evidence-based therapy modality that can be used successfully with adolescents. The Motivational Interviewing Strategies: Adolescents course features expert discussion and role plays to educate and empower mental health practitioners.
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Motivational Interviewing Strategies: Substance Use Disorders

Motivational Interviewing is an engaging, evidence-based therapy modality that can be used successfully with clients who have substance use disorders. The Motivational Interviewing Strategies: Substance Use Disorders course features expert discussion and role plays to educate and empower mental health practitioners.
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Ethics: Reconsidering Dual Relationships

In this advanced ethics course from SimplePractice Learning, we'll review the ethical guidelines on dual relationships, focusing on the flexibility built into that guidance.
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The Ethics of Truth in Therapy

In this advanced workshop from SimplePractice Learning, we'll review forms of truth, ethical standards related to truth in therapy, policies that therapists adopt around secrets in couple and family work, repairing after a lie, and case examples that cut directly to the limits of our desire and intention to be honest with clients.
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Ethics: Self-Disclosure in Therapy

In accordance with professional ethical standards, this course from SimplePractice Learning honors the complexity of decision-making around self-disclosure, and encourages careful consideration of the specific context and situation alongside consideration of the content of the disclosure.
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Supervision and Supervisee Well-Being

This course from SimplePractice Learning will teach you how to create a supervisory environment that prioritizes the well-being of your supervisees while simultaneously upholding and even enhancing, clinical instruction.
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Working with veterans and active-duty military

This SimplePractice Learning course helps practitioners develop the knowledge and skills needed to conduct culturally competent mental health evaluations and deliver empathetic treatment to active-duty service members and veterans.
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Intersectional Authenticity with LGBTQ+ Clients

This course from SimplePractice Learning teaches how to implement Radical Authenticity into your practice, as it could be vital and protective for many LGBTQIA+ clients as they navigate the challenges of living in societies that cumulatively oppress their identities.
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Access Companion Resources to Complement Coursework and Treatment


Platform learning is enhanced by companion resources. 

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Quick Guides

Summarize practitioner course information for later reference

Tip Sheet Icon


Tip Sheets

Filled with helpful resources

Activities Icon



Ideas for applying evidence-based practices in clinical practice

 Videos Icon



Role plays and deeper subject exploration

Assessments Icon



Measure treatment progress

Get Credit for Specialized Mental Health Training


In addition to deepening practitioners’ knowledge about best practices in mental health, Psych Hub courses offer two opportunities to capitalize on that learning.

A man sitting in a room with a laptop on his lap.

Continuing Education credits

Practitioners can satisfy their CE requirements by completing courses focused on evidence-based practices.

PH Verified Badge

Psych Hub Verification

Practitioners can become Psych Hub Verified by completing specialty courses and/or demonstrating proficiency in certain competency areas. 


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