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Mobilize Clinicians to Meet Mental Health Needs


Professional training to broaden understanding and improve patient care in all clinical settings


Gain Knowledge in Critical Mental Health Specialties

More than ever, patients are turning to nurses and other healthcare professionals for help understanding and treating mental health symptoms. Psych Hub offers evidence-based courses to educate these frontline medical professionals about mental health issues, diagnoses, and treatment pathways so they can offer their patients the most up-to-date and accurate recommendations. With this curated learning experience, healthcare clinicians will:

Learn how to support a holistic healthcare model that integrates mental health support into patient care.

Acquire knowledge and tools to address the mental health component of common health issues such as illness, substance use disorders, aging, major life changes, weight loss, trauma, and more.

Identify common symptoms of mental health challenges, understand what is in scope, and when to refer to mental health treatment.

Expand practical skills they can implement in their specific work setting, so they can initiate conversations, ask helpful questions, provide clinically sound counsel, and support patients who might not pursue traditional mental health treatment.

Reduce the likelihood of burnout by feeling empowered to discuss the human emotions that impact health and well-being for themselves and the people they serve.

Profesional Training to Empower Mental Health Conversations in Healthcare Settings


Mental health questions and concerns can arise in all types of healthcare settings outside of the counseling office, including doctors’ offices and medical clinics. Our courses are designed for all clinicians, with special content geared toward nurses. In addition to satisfying continuing education units, they provide clinicians with the tools and training to have those important conversations, ask helpful questions, and offer evidence-based interventions and advice. 


Counseling on Access to Lethal Means

This course teaches healthcare providers about lethal means counseling, which helps ensure that clients can make it through suicidal crises alive and access the support they need.
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Foundations in the Safety Planning Intervention for Clinicians

Learn the tools commonly used for risk screening, assessment, and stratification and effectively create personalized safety plans.
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Collaborative Care Model

Learn the key concepts and practices of the collaborative care model, effective administration and clinical planning strategies to implement the model, and how to analyze the required components of incorporating the collaborative care model interventions into a primary or specialist care setting.
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Trauma-informed Care: Foundations (part 1)

This course provides a foundation before learning about the principles and practice of trauma-informed care. The intended audience for this course includes the healthcare team and behavioral health providers.
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Trauma-Informed Care: Foundations (Part 2)

This course continues the learning of trauma-informed care understanding and application that began in Trauma-Informed Care: Foundations (Part 1).
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Mental Health Competency 1

Learn about mental health issues, their impact on the community, and the dangers of stigma regarding mental health.
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Mental Health Competency 2: Common Conditions

Learn about techniques that may be vital in helping people who experience mental health disorders to find support in managing their symptoms.
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Mental Health Competency 3

Learn about some of the most commonly used types of substances, risk and protective factors for substance use, and practical ways you can help someone find support that can lead to recovery.
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Suicidal Behavior Competency

Understand the facts surrounding suicide and the best language to use when discussing it.
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Safety Planning

Learn how to help someone who may be in an abusive relationship or experiencing suicidal ideation.
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Diversity and Mental Health

Learn about the different types of diversity, how negative reactions to diversity affect many people's mental health, and how to promote inclusion.
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Understanding and Overcoming Bias

Learn how bias impacts people's interactions with each other and techniques for overcoming this bias.
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Motivational Interviewing: Communication Basics

Learn about four communication techniques utilized in the evidence-based practice of Motivational Interviewing, This course was created for anyone who wants to build their conversational skills and become a better listener.
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Fostering Resilience

Learn how to develop the skill of resilience, which can help protect against the impacts of stress and trauma.
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Helping in a mental health crisis

Learn how to accurately describe signs of a mental health crisis and identify practical skills that may be used to support someone who needs help.
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Supporting Provider Well-Being

Gain valuable insights on resilience in workplace settings, including navigating challenging interpersonal conflicts, managing high stress environments, and preventing occupational burnout.
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Empowerment Starts Here

Tap into training that builds mental health competency and confidence.
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