Help Educators Understand and Support Mental Health

Professional training to equip educators

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Who is it for?

Empower Teachers and Education Leaders 

According to a 2022 Gallup poll, the teaching profession ranks the highest for burnout.  More than 25% of teachers and principals report experiencing symptoms of depression, and three times as many report job-related stress. When educators struggle with mental health challenges, it can impact their own well-being while working to meet the educational and well-being needs of their students.

Psych Hub’s Professional Training provides specialized courses for educators to better understand mental health and support well-being for themselves, their colleagues, and their community.

A Certificate for Teachers and School Administrators

Educators have a lot on their plates these days, so mental health education needs to be both flexible and time-efficient. The Mental Health Ally for Educators experience enables teachers and administrators to take our series of 10 courses at a self-directed pace.

Educators who complete five out of 10 courses and pass post-tests will receive a Mental Health Ally for Educators Certificate, which demonstrates their proficiency and commitment to a mentally-safe and supportive school setting for all.


Mental Health Ally Courses for Educators

Two women in a library looking at a laptop.

Mental Health Competency 1 For Educators

Learn about mental health issues, their impact on the education community, and an explanation of the dangers of stigma regarding mental health.

Start Learning
A man speaking to a group of people sitting around him at tables.

Mental Health Competency 2: Common Conditions For Educators

Learn how to recognize common mental health conditions and help people in your education community to find the support they need.

Start Learning
A man teaching a student at a desktop computer while other students work on their computers.

Mental Health Competency 3: Substance Use Awareness For Educators

Learn about some of the most commonly used types of substances, risk and protective factors for substance use, and practical ways you can help someone in your community to find support that can lead to recovery.

Start Learning
Two teachers sitting a table.

Diversity And Mental Health For Educators

Learn about the different types of diversity, how negative reactions to diversity affect many people’s mental health, and how to promote inclusion in your education community.

Start Learning
A group of people having a discussion while looking at a computer.

Understanding And Overcoming Bias For Educators

Learn how bias impacts people’s interactions with each other in the education community and techniques for overcoming this bias.

Start Learning
A person taking notes while speaking to a man sitting in a chair.

Suicidal Behavior Competency For Educators

Learn about the nature of suicide and how to recognize warning signs for someone your education community that may be at risk for suicide, as well as ways to connect those at risk to support services.

Start Learning
A group of people having a discussion.

Safety Planning For Educators

Learn how to help someone in the education community that may be in an abusive relationship or experiencing suicidal ideation.

Start Learning
A group of people listening to a speaker who is pointing to a poster board.

Effective Communication For Educators

Learn about four communication techniques utilized in the evidence-based practice of Motivational Interviewing. This course was created for those who want to build their conversational skills and become better listeners.

Start Learning
A woman being consoled by the woman sitting next to her in a group setting.

Helping In A Mental Health Crisis For Educators

Learn how to accurately describe signs of a mental health crisis and identify practical skills that may be used to support someone who needs help.

Start Learning
Two woman embracing while a group of people watch.

Fostering Resilience For Educators

Learn how to develop the skill of resilience, which can help to protect against the impacts of stress and trauma.

Start Learning

A user-friendly format to sharpen skills and recognition of issues in mental health problems in the education setting.

"I love the short videos, interactive prompts, and lived experiences. I think it helps people to learn in the comfort of their home and learn from others who are not necessarily from their local vicinity."

Transform your educational environment with expert mental health training.

Learn how Psych Hub empowers educators.
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