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Springfield, OH Therapy Accepting Unity Preferred Network Insurance
Top Match
I am originally from New York City, so I have always had friends, associates, and relationships with people from every culture. This has been extremel... MORE
ADHD, Addiction, Anger Management, Anxie
+22 More
Treatment Approach
Behavioral modification, Christian Couns
+20 More
Centivo, VNPN, Prime Health, ClaimDOC, M
+13 More
I am originally from New York City, so I have always had friends, associates, and relationships with people from every culture. This has been extremely valuable in developing my clinical skills and ab... MORE
Top Match
Dr. Sarah Barwick offers therapeutic services and psychological testing/diagnosis. Assessment and diagnostic services include ADHD, Personality Disor... MORE
ADHD, Addiction, Anxiety, Autism, Bipola
+24 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Ecle
+5 More
Centivo, Unity Preferred Network, Decent
+11 More
Dr. Sarah Barwick offers therapeutic services and psychological testing/diagnosis. Assessment and diagnostic services include ADHD, Personality Disorders, major mood disturbances, and intellegnce/lea... MORE
Top Match
I am licensed in Ohio with 8 years of professional work experience. I have experience in helping clients with stress and anxiety, relationship issues,... MORE
Addiction, Anger Management, Anxiety, Bi
+19 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+9 More
United Health Care, Anthem, CareSource,
+13 More
I am licensed in Ohio with 8 years of professional work experience. I have experience in helping clients with stress and anxiety, relationship issues, motivation, self-esteem and confidence, & depress... MORE
I'm grateful you are here. Taking any (teeny tiny to giant leap) step toward counseling is incredibly vulnerable. I admire your bravery for sta... MORE
Anger Management, Anxiety, Child or Adol
+10 More
Treatment Approach
Behavioral modification, Cognitive Behav
+6 More
Aetna, VNPN, Unity Preferred Network, De
+13 More
I'm grateful you are here. Taking any (teeny tiny to giant leap) step toward counseling is incredibly vulnerable. I admire your bravery for starting the process.
I am a Licensed Professional C... MORE
I have been a practicing licensed counselor the past five years. I believe in the process of counseling to help clients make the changes they seek in... MORE
Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Child or Adol
+11 More
Treatment Approach
Attachment-based, Cognitive Behavioral T
+4 More
Anthem, CareSource, Cigna, Unity Preferr
+14 More
I have been a practicing licensed counselor the past five years. I believe in the process of counseling to help clients make the changes they seek in their lives. I have worked with many different c... MORE
Thankfully, I consider myself blessed to have never “worked” a day in my life. I started over 25 years ago providing clinical social work to abuse... MORE
Anxiety, Child or Adolescent Mental Heal
+13 More
Treatment Approach
Behavioral modification, Coaching, Cogni
+11 More
Home State Health, Self Pay, OccuNet, Ca
+16 More
Thankfully, I consider myself blessed to have never “worked” a day in my life. I started over 25 years ago providing clinical social work to abused and neglected children and adolescents. Over the... MORE
Congrats for getting this far on your road to change! I understand it's not a simple choice to make, and I'm here to help you make sense of a senseles... MORE
ADHD, Addiction, Anger Management, Anxie
+22 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+9 More
OccuNet, Anthem, Aetna, VNPN, Centivo, M
+13 More
Congrats for getting this far on your road to change! I understand it's not a simple choice to make, and I'm here to help you make sense of a senseless world. I got my bachelor's in Criminology from O... MORE
I have seventeen years of experience working with children and families involved in the child welfare system. I am dedicated to using a trauma-informe... MORE
Anger Management, Antisocial Behavior, A
+6 More
Treatment Approach
Behavioral modification, Cognitive Behav
+6 More
CareSource, Decent, Prime Health, ClaimD
+13 More
I have seventeen years of experience working with children and families involved in the child welfare system. I am dedicated to using a trauma-informed approach and acknowledge the need to understand ... MORE
Jennifer is a master's level professional clinical counselor. Jennifer has over 10 years of experience in a variety of settings serving youth and adu... MORE
ADHD, Anxiety, Child or Adolescent Menta
+6 More
Treatment Approach
Attachment-based, Cognitive Behavioral T
+4 More
United Health Care, Decent, Unity Prefer
+12 More
Jennifer is a master's level professional clinical counselor. Jennifer has over 10 years of experience in a variety of settings serving youth and adults with clinical mental health needs. She believ... MORE
I am a seasoned clinician who wants to help people! Therapy is challenging enough and I want my clients to feel safe, heard and validated. Every sessi... MORE
Addiction, Anxiety, Depression, SonderMi
+5 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Ecle
+3 More
Unity Preferred Network, Decent, ClaimDO
+12 More
I am a seasoned clinician who wants to help people! Therapy is challenging enough and I want my clients to feel safe, heard and validated. Every session should feel direction-focused and beneficial fo... MORE
Empathetic? Check! Non-judgmental? Check! Knowledgeable? Check! Respectful? Check!
Looking for a down-to-earth clinician to help you break down barrie... MORE
Addiction, Anger Management, Anxiety, De
+15 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+16 More
Anthem, Self Pay, Medical Mutual of Ohio
+12 More
Empathetic? Check! Non-judgmental? Check! Knowledgeable? Check! Respectful? Check!
Looking for a down-to-earth clinician to help you break down barriers such as stress, conflict,
and unhappiness? I am... MORE
My name is Jamie Matthews and I have been working as a counselor since 2007, and really enjoy helping people reach their treatment goals. I believe th... MORE
Anger Management, Anxiety, Bipolar Disor
+10 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dial
+6 More
VNPN, Anthem, ClaimDOC, CareSource, Aetn
+14 More
My name is Jamie Matthews and I have been working as a counselor since 2007, and really enjoy helping people reach their treatment goals. I believe that counseling is about change, and believe people ... MORE
Anxiety, depression, anger, trauma... most of us experience times in our lives where we are overwhelmed by our circumstances. Whether you're looking t... MORE
ADHD, Anger Management, Anxiety, Child o
+19 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+10 More
Bright Health Plan, Anthem, VNPN, CareSo
+14 More
Anxiety, depression, anger, trauma... most of us experience times in our lives where we are overwhelmed by our circumstances. Whether you're looking to address anxiety and/or depressive issues, incre... MORE
He has worked as a clinical counselor for over 19 years in a variety of professional settings. These include outpatient community mental health, crisi... MORE
Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, F
+9 More
Treatment Approach
Christian Counseling, Coaching, Cognitiv
+8 More
CareSource, Devoted, Medicare, United He
+17 More
He has worked as a clinical counselor for over 19 years in a variety of professional settings. These include outpatient community mental health, crisis services, corporate/workplace settings, and owni... MORE
Thank you for taking time to invest in yourself or relationship, everyone is worthy and deserving of a great quality of life. I am focused on assistin... MORE
Addiction, Anger Management, Anxiety, Bi
+9 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dial
+6 More
Devoted, Unity Preferred Network, Centiv
+16 More
Thank you for taking time to invest in yourself or relationship, everyone is worthy and deserving of a great quality of life. I am focused on assisting you in achieving your best self and regaining yo... MORE
I believe counseling is a holistic collaborative effort between the therapist and the individual, couple, or family seeking services. I have experienc... MORE
ADHD, Antisocial Behavior, Anxiety, Bipo
+21 More
Treatment Approach
Behavioral modification, Cognitive Behav
+18 More
Medical Mutual of Ohio, Prime Health, De
+14 More
I believe counseling is a holistic collaborative effort between the therapist and the individual, couple, or family seeking services. I have experience helping with a variety of mental health and emot... MORE
My name is Bernard Barsky. I am a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor. I currently work with adults and seniors of all ages facing issues of depr... MORE
Anger Management, Anxiety, Depression, F
+8 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Ecle
+6 More
Cigna, Self Pay, CareSource, OccuNet, Un
+13 More
My name is Bernard Barsky. I am a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor. I currently work with adults and seniors of all ages facing issues of depression, anxiety, trauma, grief, as well as diffic... MORE
Taking the first step to start counseling is difficult, but I believe engaging in therapy can be a rewarding and positive experience that can change y... MORE
ADHD, Addiction, Anger Management, Anxie
+17 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dial
+5 More
Cigna, Anthem, Medical Mutual of Ohio, C
+17 More
Taking the first step to start counseling is difficult, but I believe engaging in therapy can be a rewarding and positive experience that can change your life. My goal is to help you learn tools and s... MORE
I received my Masters of Science in Social Work (MSSW) from the University of Louisville. I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker- Supervisor in the... MORE
Anger Management, Anxiety, Depression, F
+11 More
Treatment Approach
Behavioral modification, Christian Couns
+8 More
VNPN, Cigna, Decent, Medical Mutual of O
+13 More
I received my Masters of Science in Social Work (MSSW) from the University of Louisville. I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker- Supervisor in the state of Ohio. My wealth of experiences as a M... MORE
Mental health is integral to living a healthy balanced life. Although the general perception of mental health has improved in recent times, people can... MORE
Addiction, Anger Management, Anxiety, Bi
+10 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+6 More
Decent, ClaimDOC, VNPN, Cigna, Prime Hea
+14 More
Mental health is integral to living a healthy balanced life. Although the general perception of mental health has improved in recent times, people can still be fearful of the negative stigma that is a... MORE