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Providers in United States
My name is Dr. Clifford Marsh, but please call me "Cliff." I am independently and clinically licensed to practice therapy in Virginia and South Caroli... MORE
ADHD, Anger Management, Antisocial Behav
+27 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+31 More
CareFirst, Kaiser, OccuNet, Aetna, VNPN,
+13 More
My name is Dr. Clifford Marsh, but please call me "Cliff." I am independently and clinically licensed to practice therapy in Virginia and South Carolina. I also have national board certification in Cl... MORE
I am a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) with over 15 years of experience, I have built a profound foundation in the field of mental health and em... MORE
Addiction, Anger Management, Anxiety, Bi
+24 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+22 More
Kaiser, VNPN, Anthem, Prime Health, Care
+12 More
I am a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) with over 15 years of experience, I have built a profound foundation in the field of mental health and emotional well-being. Throughout my career, I have s... MORE
I work with clients around attachment issues/relationships, anxiety, depression, trauma, chronic illness, and somatic/psychogenic symptoms. A focus w... MORE
Anxiety, Depression, Developmental Disab
+12 More
Treatment Approach
Attachment-based, Eclectic, Family Thera
+8 More
Blue Cross Blue Shield, VNPN, Centivo, C
+12 More
I work with clients around attachment issues/relationships, anxiety, depression, trauma, chronic illness, and somatic/psychogenic symptoms. A focus will be on how we relate to people in our lives, lo... MORE
Authenticity is a key component of my life philosophy and my therapeutic treatment philosophy. Being real, genuine, and vulnerable are critical compon... MORE
ADHD, Antisocial Behavior, Anxiety, Depr
+17 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+18 More
Medicare, Cigna, Centivo, Devoted, Decen
+15 More
Authenticity is a key component of my life philosophy and my therapeutic treatment philosophy. Being real, genuine, and vulnerable are critical components of any healthy relationship be it with yourse... MORE
Hi there! I am a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC) in the State of Ohio. I received my Master's Degree in Mental Health Counseling from ... MORE
Anger Management, Anxiety, Depression, F
+10 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+14 More
VNPN, Unity Preferred Network, Centivo,
+14 More
Hi there! I am a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC) in the State of Ohio. I received my Master's Degree in Mental Health Counseling from Franciscan University of Steubenville in 1998. I h... MORE
I invite individuals to engage with me and embark on your journey to joy and wellness. My multidimensional approach helps you live life free of emotio... MORE
Addiction, Anger Management, Anxiety, Co
+10 More
Treatment Approach
Christian Counseling, Cognitive Behavior
+4 More
Aetna, All Savers, Ambetter, AvMed, Blue
+15 More
I invite individuals to engage with me and embark on your journey to joy and wellness. My multidimensional approach helps you live life free of emotional pain and find meaning in all areas of your lif... MORE
Hello! I'm a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) practicing in Pennsylvania. I received my masters in Clinical Mental Health from Indiana Universit... MORE
Addiction, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Ch
+11 More
Treatment Approach
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Coup
+4 More
Aetna, All Savers, Amerihealth, AvMed, B
+17 More
Hello! I'm a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) practicing in Pennsylvania. I received my masters in Clinical Mental Health from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. I am a doctorial candidate; wo... MORE
Dr. Margretta Austin, LCSW, DSW provides in person and virtual Cognitive Behavioral therapy, Behavioral Therapy, Family Therapy, and Couples Therapy. ... MORE
Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, G
+9 More
Treatment Approach
Attachment-based, Cognitive Behavioral T
+3 More
Kaiser, Centivo, Aetna, Prime Health, Cl
+12 More
Dr. Margretta Austin, LCSW, DSW provides in person and virtual Cognitive Behavioral therapy, Behavioral Therapy, Family Therapy, and Couples Therapy. The practice services individuals, families, and ... MORE
As far as I can remember, I have always been a counselor. As a kid, adults would seat next to me on the bus and tell me the problems of their day. I s... MORE
Anger Management, Anxiety, Dementia / Ne
+14 More
Treatment Approach
Christian Counseling, Cognitive Behavior
+11 More
United Health Care, Decent, Self Pay, Ci
+11 More
As far as I can remember, I have always been a counselor. As a kid, adults would seat next to me on the bus and tell me the problems of their day. I soon learned the value of listening and discovered ... MORE
If you are looking for a clinician to help you overcome challenges, look no further. Sessions will consist of self-exploration and the development of ... MORE
ADHD, Addiction, Anger Management, Antis
+23 More
Treatment Approach
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT),
+17 More
Cigna, Prime Health, Bright Health Plan,
+13 More
If you are looking for a clinician to help you overcome challenges, look no further. Sessions will consist of self-exploration and the development of skills you need for self-improvement. If you want ... MORE